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About Those Fruit Flies…

Published September 28, 2014

They can visit your home during any of the warmer months, but there’s a good chance that you’re experiencing a fruit fly invasion right now, as summer gives way to autumn. Fruit flies can be frustrating, because their source is often difficult to ide ...

Japanese Beetles

Published July 28, 2014

Last week I asked our Facebook friends to suggest topics for this month’s blog post. The first response: Japanese beetles. Good one! We talk about ants, spiders, roaches, and bed bugs all the time, but have never posted an article about Japanese beet ...

Flea Season Is Here!

Published June 30, 2014

If you have pets, you probably already know — flea season is here. Few pests are more annoying or more difficult to eliminate, although insecticides designed for flea treatments are getting better all the time. Fleas are tiny insects (only 1/16 ...

Is it An Ant, Or A Termite?

Published May 31, 2014

At this time of year, hardly a week goes past without phone calls from nervous homeowners who aren’t sure whether they’re finding winged ants or termites in and around their home. “They look like ants, but they have wings,” they say. “What are they? ...

Stink Bugs Emerge On Warm Spring Days

Published April 15, 2014

Spring is here — at least for the moment — and the recent warm weather has brought an unusual pest out of hiding in many neighborhoods. The brown marmorated stink bug originated in Asia, but appeared in Pennsylvania in the 1990s. Now it’s a significa ...

Lady Beetles

Published November 02, 2013

One of the best-known insects, the “lady bug” — or lady beetle, or ladybird beetle — is also one of the most beneficial. Lady beetles eat a variety of pests, including garden-destroying aphids; one can eat as many as 5,000 aphids in its lifetime! How ...

The Ghost Spider

Published October 30, 2013

Here’s a ghostly pest, just in time for Halloween — but don’t worry, it’s no more scary than any other spider.The ghost spider, which is one of many kinds of sac spiders, is common throughout North America. It is about 4-8 mm in size, has eight eyes ...

German Cockroach Basics

Published October 11, 2013

There are approximately 4,500 species of cockroaches in the world. In our service area, we typically deal with five of them: the German, Oriental, American, Brown-banded, and Pennsylvania wood roach. Each has different characteristics and requires di ...

The Brown Recluse Spider

Published September 25, 2013

Visitors to Delmarva often ask about the brown recluse spider. “Are they really that dangerous? Is it safe to allow my children to play outside? And how can I identify a brown recluse?” The fact is, there are brown recluse spiders on the Delmarva Pen ...

The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

Published September 18, 2013

Experts have been warning us for a few years about the possibility of a stinkbug invasion, yet, so far, the Delmarva Peninsula hasn’t been hit nearly as hard as neighboring regions. But there’s still plenty of time for the Fall of 2013 to change that ...

Mystery Of The Hawaiian Wood Carving

Published September 12, 2013

Sometimes, responding to a call about an unidentified bug can be a bit like solving a mystery. It can be hard enough to figure out where a particular pest is coming from, much less when the pest in question is nowhere to be found — or so similar in a ...


Published September 04, 2013

Contrary to popular belief, bats are related to neither rodents nor birds. They’re mammals of the order Chiroptera, and their webbed wings make them the only mammals able to fly. (Flying squirrels can only glide for short distances.)North American ba ...

The Mice Are Coming

Published August 29, 2013

Fall is just around the corner — in fact, we’re holding our annual fall meeting tomorrow morning — which, in our neighborhood, means that hundreds of thousands of acres of crops are being harvested and hundreds of thousands of rodents are fleeing the ...


Published August 21, 2013

We don’t run into earwigs very often, but when we do, people have a lot of questions. These unusual insects are about 5/8 inch long, brown in color with reddish heads. They are easily identified by their large pincers, located on the end of the abdom ...

Five Tips For Fighting Fruit Flies

Published August 18, 2013

Fruit flies are about 1/8 inch long, and usually have red eyes. They typically become a problem in the late summer and early fall, as they are attracted to overripe and rotting fruit and vegetables. Fruit flies breed in moist areas: garbage disposals ...

Field And House Crickets

Published August 14, 2013

Autumn hasn’t arrived yet, but you could be forgiven for thinking it did this week, as temperatures dropped into the 60's and Thanksgiving suddenly seemed a lot closer. The cool weather might not be here to stay — yet — but summer is certainly on the ...

Fly Control Basics

Published August 11, 2013

Few pests are more difficult to control than the common house fly, which is found all over the world. Between the seafood industry and the poultry industry, Delmarva has more than its fair share of flies. They enter structures, buzz around, land on h ...

The Mud Dauber Wasp

Published August 07, 2013

It’s not uncommon, at this time of year, to find small nests of dried mud on exterior walls, especially in the corners of porches. Most people are aware that they are wasp nests, and tend to be concerned about the possibility of getting stung. The ne ...

Preventing Pantry Pests

Published August 03, 2013

It can happen at any time of year. You haven’t visited the beach house in a while, and when you finally do, you discover tiny bugs all over the kitchen and pantry. Further inspection reveals that one box of pancake mix, in particular, is severely inf ...

The Crab-Like Orbweaver

Published July 30, 2013

There are many species of spiders on the Delmarva Peninsula, but the subject of this post is possibly the coolest-looking of them all — and oddly similar in appearance to another Delmarva critter (and delicacy), the crab.Gasteracantha cancriformis&nb ...

The Brown Widow Spider

Published July 21, 2013

When I first heard about someone’s garage being full of dangerous brown widow spiders, I was skeptical. “Don’t you mean brown recluse?” I asked, assuming that the names of two venomous spiders, the brown recluse and black widow, had gotten mixed up. ...

Camel Crickets

Published July 17, 2013

If you’ve never gone under a house (something that everyone ought to experience at least once), it’s possible that you’ve never even seen this pest, though there could be thousands of them in your neighborhood. Commonly known as “those weird jumping ...

Spider Basics

Published July 12, 2013

Spiders. They’re in and around practically every home and business, yet 50% of women and 10% of men are afraid of them.Everyone knows a spider on sight. They’re sometimes mislabeled “bugs” — spiders are arachnids, not insects — but the average person ...

Cicada Killer Wasps

Published July 07, 2013

Each summer we’re asked about lawns being marred by numerous sandy hills. Sometimes they’re thought to be anthills, though most people connect them to what seem to be large bees or hornets buzzing around nearby. If this sounds familiar, there’s a goo ...

Our Service Areas

Our pest control services cover a wide area on the Eastern Shore of Delaware and Maryland.

Maryland – Coastal and Inland areas of Ocean City, Ocean Pines, Berlin, Snow Hill, Salisbury, and nearby areas
Delaware – Coastal and Inland areas of Fenwick Island, Bethany Beach, Dewey Beach, Rehoboth Beach, Lewes, Selbyville, Seaford, Georgetown, Milton, and nearby Sussex County areas

Not sure if we service your area? Give us a call, 800-908-1000!

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